Information on Random things, whether you want it or not.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Little Questions.

Took this from my KM's Blog, thought it would be fun to fill out =D

When shopping at the grocery store, What's the first aisle you visit? Meat, Fruit/ Veg, and ICE CREAM
Can you do a cartwheel? Of course I can =P
Do you regret something you did yesterday? Nope.
Have you ever been tubing? Yup. Snow tubing...I bailed and knocked the wind out of myself.
Do you own a guitar? Not personally but my bf owns a few.
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Not ridden in per- say. But I have sat in one, had everything check over after I was in a car accident.
Do you have a piggy bank shaped like a pig? No, I do have bunny piggy bank though
Do you have anything in your pockets right now? Nope
How many windows are open on your computer? three!
How many hours did you sleep last night? 9-10? i dont usually have trouble sleeping =P

Ever go to a theme or costume party? Yeah- Halloween, i went as a unicorn!
If you could have any job what would it be? My own successful spa
Are you easy to get along with? I think I am, not to many people I dislike.
Have you been outside today? Few times today, to and from work. And to let my friends dogs out for a pee =D
Any plans for tonight?  Not really, relax. I work tomorrow...BUSY SPA DAY!
Do you watch reality tv? Big Reality TV junkie right here!. Big Brother, Bachelor/ Bachelorette, DWTS, ANTM, Survivor, gosh you name it i like to watch it haha.
If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you would do? Get the family out, Take my cats, purse/ wallet ( has all my id usually )and get the heck out.
How many pics do you have in your bedroom? None really. I need to start printing them off.
Whats the most random thing in the room you are in right now? not to sure, maybe my guinness bar fridge? lol
What are you watching on t.v.? Top Gear. Its a car show/ commentary/ comedy? lol
Do you sing in the shower? no never
Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery? yeah thought about it but im not made of $
What is the last movie you saw in theater? Apollo 18.
Did you like it? No- I was not fond of it lets say because of certain "phobias" i have.
Who is on your speed dial? Eric, Work, Mom and Dad
How many pets do you have? Do you plan on getting more? At the moment I have 2 cats, and they are a handful. I would eventually like to get a puppy but we will see.
What do you normally order from Tim Horton's? Large Coffee double double, Sausage breakfast sandwich.
What's you're favorite month? August, i also enjoy the fall months =P Im weird.
How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep with just one pillow. Its memory foam. BEST PURCHASE EVER!
What's the weirdest breakup you've been through? I can say honestly that i have NEVER been through a breakup.
If you could learn any new language, which one would you choose and why? German would be handy because the bf is german.
Who is the person that I feel has altered the course of my morals and values, and how did they effect me? Lots of different people affect how i view this that come into my life, you can give me advise. I will listen. Whether i use it or not is my own choice, thats how i usually do things.
Mom and Dad have taught me to speak whats on my mind dont hold anything back.
Eric has taught me to love and not to worry, things work out in the end.
Ex-Friends taught me that things happen for a reason. People come and go through our lives.

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