Information on Random things, whether you want it or not.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Perfect Winged Liner

There are many ways to achieve the winged-liner look. It takes a lot of practice and dedication, not everyday is going to be a good day. haha.

So for starters:
  1. Start by sketching out your winged shape with an eyeliner pencil or some shadow with an angled brush. Preferably the same colour you are using for the liner. This way you can get a feel for the shape you like and if you make a mistake just fix it to the shape your like with a q-tip =D
  2. The line should start out really thing in the inner corner and get slightly bigger as you move out to the outer corner. I usually like to thicken the line near the middle outer part of the eye. ( how far your wing goes is up to you, depends on eyeshape, personality, thickness ect )
  3. Once you have your shape with the shadow or eyeliner, trace over it with liquid liner, gel liner, some liners come in  calligraphy shaped felt tip pens which help extremely well with winged liners. 
For a symmetrical looking liner, just take a step away from the mirror. You will tell right away if something is wrong. If it doesnt look right to you, fix it. In the end it's just make-up, its not permanent. If you really have trouble getting the angles of your wings to match up, trace with a business card this is a trick i picked up and used when i first was learning. Makeup artists of the stars sometimes use this little trick =P

also youtube videos are amazing to learn little things from =D Especially make-up!

Hope this helped! xoxox


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